Monday 22 April 2013

Korean Festivals!

Koreans love festivals! But they do seem to overuse the word 'festival' a bit. I mean, when I think of a festival, I think of a big event, lots of people, lots of things going on, food, drink, stalls selling stuff, that kind of thing. If that's what you expect in Korea, you will be sorely disappointed. Basically, any time anything happens in Korea, its a festival. So this weekend, I went to a cherry blossom festival in Gunsan. Which basically means, there were some cherry blossoms in Gunsan. They look very nice, don't get me wrong, but its not a festival.

Festival? Or traffic and nice trees?

Later in the year, they have a bird festival. This is when a large amount of migrating birds pass through the area. Again, not very 'festive' is it?

Still, its not just 'festival' that is maybe not quite used correctly. I went to a maritime theme park too! Now, when I say theme park, you're probably thinking there were some sort of rides, roller coasters, that kind of thing? No. There was an old navy troop ship you could go on, that was kind of like a museum, and some old tanks and planes.

Not exactly Alton Towers is it?

The museum was pretty entertaining though, one of the best things about being abroad is the great 'lost in translation' type moments, when a sign says something, that maybe doesn't quite convey the original meaning. For example, this sign about a small hand-held cannon;

 . . . even women or children could use . . .

And lastly, I now have a pet turtle! On one of the facebook groups for expats, someone posted that they were giving away a turtle and the tank and everything as they were moving back home, so I thought, "Why not?!?" So now I have a tiny little turtle! He is slightly bigger than my thumbnail, and is about 6 months old. His name is Tyrion Turtle, and he is currently enjoying listening to some Bon Jovi (the latest album - What About Now). As we are in Korea, you might call it a Bon Jovi festival!

Little Tyrion enjoying the Bon Jovi festival

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