Wednesday 5 June 2013

Don't laugh at pee pants

Well it was another teaching first for me this week, I had my first kid pee themselves in my class! One of my colleagues had gone home sick, so I was covering her class, a bunch of kids around 8 years old, and 5 minutes in, everybody is stood up, singing a song, and then screams of "TEACHER!!!!" and lots of pointing as a puddle appears beneath this poor girl! I sent her running off to the bathroom (why didn't she just ask to go?!?!?), calmly finished the song (I'm a real pro now!), then moved all the kids over to one side of the classroom, away from the pee puddle, and got the smartest kid in the class to read a story to the rest of the class while I went and got a mop! Fun times! She returned to the class after about 20 minutes, and we all just carried on as if nothing had happened. "Its fine, just peed myself, no big deal." It took all my self control not to rip the piss (pun intended) out of this girl, but as I said, I'm a pro, and its kind of frowned upon for teachers to bully their students.

In other teaching news, we had my first open class this week. This is when all the parents of the kids come in, and watch some classes to see what all their cash is buying for their little princes and princesses. Everything went really well, and as a reward, the principal took us all out for an all-you-can-eat buffet which was pretty sweet. Though at the restaurant, I bumped into one of my kids, who had not been to school that day. Busted!!!
And as an added bonus, its Memorial Day this Thursday, which means another day off school, jackpot!

Away from school I visited the island of Jebudo last weekend. Its quite a small island, you can walk round the whole thing in a couple of hours, but its pretty nice. Its also really easy to get to from Seoul and Suwon, you can just hop on a bus, and its about an hour away. You do have to check the tide times though, as the road to the island is underwater for about 6 hours a day. While I was there, I saw a bunch of guys with parachutes and massive fans strapped to their backs, whizzing round the island, which looked like awesome fun, and something I will definitely be trying in the future!

In sporting news, my unbeaten run as a baseball superstar is over. We suffered our first defeat of the season two weeks ago, after which #onedefeated was trending for a while, but we followed that up by losing a tight game 2-1 last weekend to take my career record to 4 wins, 2 defeats. But more importantly, I finally contributed something other than style and breath-taking good looks, as I crushed one straight down the middle to register our one run in that 2-1 loss. No game for two weeks, but I assume I'll be promoted to lead-off hitter now. Also planning to go see some international football next week, as South Korea take on everyone's favourite Stan, Uzbekistan in a World Cup qualifier. Should be an absolute belter!
Also went in search of some pool this week, and after a few fails, finally found somewhere with a pool table. Most of the pool halls are full of broken tables;

Try potting in those pockets

So what we call pool back home, here they call 'Pocketball' which is a great name! Everyone plays a weird version of Carom billiards here, which I was watching intently, but still didn't really understand. I'll give it a go at some point though.

Also went to the supermarket, and was reminded of Korea's obsession with gadgets and making sure everything is useful and serves a purpose;

Functional Candy - Don't just eat it. Use it!

Finally, its time for our usual feature, The Adventures of Tyrion the Turtle!

We had a bit of a drama this week, as I thought there was a leak in the tank! 
Turns out it was just a spring onion

I'll get my coat . . . . . 

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