Monday 4 March 2013

Teacher Dave

So it was my first day on the job today, no training, no settling in period, straight into the classroom, Boom! I am now called 'Teacher Dave,' a bit like some sort of wandering kung-fu guru, I quite like it!

So the start of March is kind of the start of a new term, so I only had elementary kids in the afternoon, two classes, the first were aged 8, the second were propably about 10. The first group mostly stared at me and giggled, as if I was some sort of giant freak, which I guess I kind of am! But the second group were more advanced and we could talk pretty well, and they were much more loud and entertaining.

From Thursday, all the kindergarten kids are back, so I'll be teaching straight through from 09:00 until 17:00, with just a 30 minute break for lunch, so that will be a bit hectic. There are four westerners at the school, and about 8 Korean teachers. Pretty much all the westerners do with the kids is sing songs, read stories, and generally teach them how to say words. We don't do any grammar or anything like that, so its not too demanding in terms of prep work, as the course material is all pretty good.

Also, the four FTs  (thats Foreign Teachers, i.e. me) get given a subject area each for the kindergarten kids, and we pick a topic, eg stars, and we each teach in our own subject area on that topic. So Matt is the reading teacher, so he'll be reading stories about stars, Heather is the art teacher, so she'll be making pictures of stars, Greg is the music teacher, so he'll be singing songs about stars, and I am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the science teacher! So I'm going to be teaching these tiny little Korean kids about the science of stars? We'll see what eventuates . . . .

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